Saturday, May 31, 2014

You're As Soft As Bill Simmons If You Hate On Lance Stephenson

So if you followed the Pacers - Heat series or simply tuned in to SportsCenter for 30 seconds this week, you know that everyone in the sports world has been DESTROYING Lance Stephenson for fucking with Lebron throughout the ECF's. Up until last night, Lance Stephenson had;

1. Stated that he thought he was in Lebrons head.
2. Blew in the guys ear. 

That's it. But it was enough to make me think that I was living on another planet or that the entire world was punking me (yes I just referenced Punk'd) based on the backlash Stephenson received. You would think that this guy was going out and just punching everyone in the balls and face the entire game and then sleeping with their girlfriends after. Absolute lunacy the way people were reacting to this.

Just when I thought the idiots on ESPN and the softest people around the country couldn't be anymore stupid, last night happened. Following a corner three pointer literally right in Lebron's mouth, Stephenson tapped Lebron's cheek on the way back down court. What transpired next is still simply too hard to believe. 

Led by the biggest moron on the planet Bill Simmons, his followers were calling for Stephenson to be ejected, calling him a dirty player, and much worse as you can imagine. If you were one of these people, you're the softest of the soft - there's no other way to explain it and to be honest, you shouldn't be allowed to watch sports anymore.

First off, when Stephenson hit the corner three, Lebron "contested" the shot by putting his hand right on Stephenson's face. No one says one word because it's Lebron. Literally 20 seconds later, Stephenson taps Lebron's face and people want him ejected? Seriously? And I love Lebron here, goes around to the media all week saying he doesn't buy into trash talk or Stephenson's antics - yet he intentionally hits the guy in the face and then reacts like he's actually gonna fight him over a little tap. All Lebron does is contradict himself and even though the Heat won that series easily, there's no denying Lance Stephenson was in Lebrons head throughout.

Secondly, Bill Simmons is the definition of a squid and if you retweeted or favorited one of his tweets last night, you're a squid too. He tweets that Stephenson is a jackass and should be thrown out. Bill Simmons is the kind of guy who sleeps with his socks on. The kind of guy who dabs all the grease off his pizza before he takes a bite. Just the absolute worst. The best was when he complained the the NBA "cares too much about hard fouls" and is pissed that Lance was "getting away with this crap" uh yeah you fucking moron. Hard fouls have no place in the NBA because they can actually ruin someone's career, blowing in someone's ear, talking trash, and just generally fucking with them to try to take them out of their zone are not fouls, it's just called being in competition. 

One final point - Lance Stephenson is a great player and if the Pacers don't attempt to resign him, it will only make them worse in my opinion. Give me a guy like that on my team 100 times out of 100 before guys like Roy Hibbert and Paul George who literally vanish in the biggest games and then try to blame everybody else. If this whole situation alone screws Stephenson out of a big contract or a shot with a bigger market team, that's a damn shame.

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