Thursday, May 15, 2014

Are We Even Talking About Football Anymore?

TMZ - The show -- produced by the same people who did Lindsay Lohan's show -- will chronicle Sam's journey into the NFL ... and we're told Sam has already been taping the show for weeks. 

In fact, we're told Oprah's crew was in the room when Sam learned he had been drafted by the St. Louis Rams ... and clearly knew his big celebratory kiss with his BF would make for great reality television. 

Oprah issued a statement saying, "We are honored that Michael is trusting us with his private journey in this moment that has not only made history but will shape it forever."

Unclear when the series is set to debut -- or how the Rams feel about the situation.

In a press conference yesterday, Michael Sam said, "I understand that right now you guys want to make a big deal out of it, but as soon as that's over [I can focus on football] as fast as possible."

No, no, Michael Sam. You're making a big deal out of it. You're rubbing cake on your boyfriends face before you kiss him on national television. You're signing up for the reality show. You're just as responsible for making this into the circus show that is. When Jason Collins came out of the closet last year, it got a lot of buzz because he was the first openly gay athlete in a major professional sport, but I think that was coming from a genuine place. He hid it for a long time, from a lot of people; he wasn't  trying to make a statement, he wasn't trying to be Jackie Robinson for the gay community, he was just being himself. I think Michael Sam is talking out of both sides of his mouth. He clearly wants to come in and make a statement about being a gay athlete in the NFL, this is absolutely more than football for him. Which is fine, I guess, but don't act annoyed about society getting caught up in the sexuality piece if you're the one throwing it everyone's face.

What bothers me about these modern day civil rights circuses like this is that you've already won, Michael Sam. In 2014, the people who don't want you in the locker room have 0 chance of winning that battle. Zippy. So my question is, what is there to get up in arms about? If you really are just another football player, who happens to be gay, than why cause such a ruckus? Why smear cake across your boyfriends face before you kiss him on national television? Why are you signing up to be apart of a reality show? You were picked in the 7th fucking round, there's no guarantees you're even going to be playing for the Rams. If you're a football player first and foremost, than you should be focusing on doing everything you possibly can to make that final 53-man roster; not sitting around with Oprah talking about what should happen on the next episode of "Stand with Sam." 

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