Tuesday, May 6, 2014

"Polls Show More Whites Believe in Ghosts than Racism" - Kareem Abdul-Jabbar

Washington Times - Former NBA megastar Kareem Abdul-Jabbar added his 2 cents to the Donald Sterling-Clippers flap with a bold statement of his own about whites — that most don’t truly believe racism exists.

He said: “More whites believe in ghosts than they do in racism,” he said, during a Sunday appearance on “This Week” on ABC.

He also said in a recent op-ed for Time Magazine that Mr. Sterling has been under fire for making racist statements on previous occasions and that his current predicament is no surprise. For instance, the Justice Department sued Mr. Sterling in 2006 after allegations surfaced in which he referred to housing and then said, “Black tenants smell and attract vermin,” Mr. Abdul-Jabbar said, Politico reported.

On Sunday, the former basketball great also said racism is “something that’s still part of our culture, and people hold onto these ideas and practices,” Politico reported. The NBA has a duty to keep track of the “temperature” of race relations and “keep the issue in people’s minds when it’s appropriate.”

Mr. Sterling has been banned for life from the NBA after comments he made about blacks that painted them in a negative light were captured on audio.

You guys like the picture? It's a metaphor. The guy with the stick is the media and the dead horse is the Donald Sterling issue. That shit is deep as fuck, so soak it in and appreciate it. 

It just really escapes me how you can make sweeping generalizations about all white people but it's not racist, or if it is racist, it's all good because you're talking about white people. In 2014, you can't be a racist unless you're white. "How could a black guy possibly be a racist? White people invented racism!" True as that may be, we're at a point in history where if we're really trying to squash the bullshit and become a unified nation, we've got to let the dumb comments speak for themselves and not fight fire with fire. Sticks and stones, motherfuckers! What Donald Sterling said and that point of view is flat-out unacceptable, but as a nation, we've got to get some thicker skin. The media has just been running rampant with this story, as they seem to do anytime an old white dude makes an irrational comment like this. 

We've got to stop making mountains out of mole hills and just let these random racist outbursts from old people speak for themselves. No one gives a flying fuck about what Donald Sterling and Paula Dean think anymore, they're old-fashioned and out of touch with reality. Donald Sterling needed no help from the media to look like a jackass. Most people thought he was an asshole anyway and his most recent racist comments just highlighted that. But now Kareem's coming out guns blazing and trying to fight racism by making racist statements. Come on dude. If you want to take the moral high road than you've got to be the bigger person, now you're just the pot calling the kettle black... Wait, was that racist? 

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