Monday, May 19, 2014

Kid Vince Vaughns 3 Chicks Like It's Nothing

Kid is all business. Outrageous panty-dropping power moves going on here with the 3 for 1 special. Girl who got the ball is totally smitten, doesn't even know what to do, red head is loving it, and the girl in the middle just got totally Vince Vaughned, that seat is sopping wet. Best part is, girl he gave the ball to isn't the girl he's trying to stick. This kid is playing in another league, been playing Chess since pre-school, just making moves that most don't even understand. He's playing the go after the friend card to make the real target jealous. And just like Vince Vaughn, flawless execution. He'd probably been scouting them from the moment he sat down because like a true connoisseur of the opposite sex, he knows where all the hot women are within an immediate 100 foot radius. Love the kid's game, probably going to be putting up Wilt Chamberlain numbers by the time he leaves high school, and I'm not talking about points and rebounds. 

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