Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Just When You Thought You'd Seen It All, There's This Guy Who Plays Soccer With Wild Lions

Dos Equis Man? Nope, this isn't a commercial. Just some guy in a fucking suit broing out in the middle of the jungle with some lions. I don't even play with dogs this aggressively, let alone a Goddamn lion. He's blowing on it's face, wrapping his legs around it. Listen guy, I'm not aware if you know this but that thing will grab you by the jugular and whip you around like a rag doll. In fact, that's usually what it does with things that aren't lions. It's cool and all that they're chill with you but they're still animals. They aren't exactly rational beings. Like if you made some kind of movement or noise it didn't like, don't think that thing's going to hesitate to fuck your shit up. 

I always wonder why people fuck with these kinds of animals. Like that Rob Stewart dude that swims and plays with the sharks. Just don't understand. Go zip-lining if you're look for some excitement. Don't go put yourself in the hunting environment of huge predators and play grab ass with them. Life has got to be so fucking boring for these guys after they go swimming with sharks and play soccer with lions. Like honestly, what is there left to do? Play Russian roulette with the Taliban? Play water polo with a hippopotamus? I don't know but I'm sure these crazy assholes will figure out something. 

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