Thursday, May 15, 2014

Quite Possibly the Dumbest Thing I've Ever Seen

UNTUCKit - We started UNTUCKit because we realized there were literally millions of men who struggled like we did to find button down shirts that looked good untucked.  Most shirts are too long, too bulky or (cringe) square bottom.  If you don't believe us, look around.  It shouldn't be this difficult; but it is.  We did an insane amount of research and learned 3 important things:

First, shirt length was the #1 problem for guys who wear their shirts untucked.  It wasn't just me, and it wasn't just my friends...this was pervasive

Second, there is a perfect length for the untucked shirt.  An overwhelming majority of men and women want that untucked shirt to fall well over the belt but to keep a portion of the pant pocket exposed.  This established the zone of acceptable length.

Third, of the 100+ shirts we tried on, not a single one fell into this “zone of acceptable length”.  Unless you're really tall and thin, you are going to struggle to find a good fit.

So we decided to start our own company, marketed exclusively for men who wear their shirts untucked. We would design the perfect shirt for the untucked man; scientifically and stylistically designed to look better. And so that’s what we've done.

Thank you for visiting us and happy shopping. 

Chris Riccobono


Chris Riccobono has to being fucking somebody at GQ, right? How else would this idea ever get enough traction to get an endorsement? Shirts designed to be untucked has to be the dumbest fucking concept I've ever heard of and the fact that this idea made it out of a pitch meeting is just bananas to me, let alone that it's being endorsed by Brad Richards and GQ. Maybe Chris is fucking Brad Richards? I don't know, but Chris is fucking somebody with some pull who is too afraid to tell him that this idea is an absolute dud. 

My favorite part about this is that they developed a shirt to fit a concept that they created. There is no such thing as a "Zone of Acceptable Length." That is completely and totally fabricated by UNTUCKit. You could tell me that's just great marketing, but if we're at the point in this country where we have a legitimate need for shirts of an acceptable untucked length, we're just a bunch of assholes. Imagine what we look like to Africa. 

Africa - "Yeah, things are getting pretty bad over here, we've got 6 million kids who are starving to death and a bunch of dictators causing mass genocide. 

American - "Sorry, Africa. We'd love to help but we've got 6 million douche bags who needs shirts cut to an acceptable untucked length. Priorities, you know?" 

Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems the only benefit to buying a shirt from UNTUCKit versus say, J. Crew, is that the shirt is 2 1/2 inches shorter to "keep a portion of the pant pocket exposed." I mean, get the fuck out of here, UNTUCKit. There's zippy chance you're charging me $90 for a shirt that's basically just too small and going to make me look like I stole clothes out of a middle schoolers closet. If you're douchey enough to buy this shirt than you probably don't even need it because you're the guy tucking in your plaid button-downs when you go out. If you're a normal guy, you don't give a fuck about tucking in your shirt, or if it's covering your pockets, or if it falls appropriately passed the belt, and you certainly don't give a fuck about the "Zone of Acceptable Length." 

UNTUCKit is just a company by the asshole for the asshole. Check the courtsides at tonight's Wizard's game, I'm sure you'll see plenty of dudes rocking UNTUCKit. 


  1. Do they have a special shirt for plumbers?

  2. Thank you for addressing this douchey bullshit idea. If I walked into a job environment for example and I felt they judged me based on where the untucked portion of the shirt was in relation to the pockets or belt or my taint or whatever I would likely take the startup owners Gulliver & Salinger and break their chopstick sized arms and shove them into a vat of locally sourced artisan seaweed Stew and slap their hemp pants covered asses with their overrated iPads until they scream Bon Jovi is my hero!
