Friday, May 16, 2014

This Guy's Responding to Your 911 Call

Barstool TrentGet after it! Get after it! I’m exhausted just after watching that. I guess this is called Voguing? The new hottest dance moves in the street apparently. Never seen it before. I’m so white it’s outrageous. All I know is that dude can dance. He was throwing around moves I didn’t even know were humanly possible. I did nothing that whole time except tap my foot like the uncoordinated Caucasian I am. I missed half the moves too because his hands were moving so fast. I have no idea how he was able to drive an ambulance, talk on the radio and bust moves like that simultaneously. I can’t imagine the type of damage he could do if you put him on dance floor. He’d leave it in ruins. Do you, dancing EMT driver. Do you.

PS- People still listen to the radio and get excited when their song comes on? I thought those days were long gone but if anybody can bring them back, it’s this dancing EMT driver.

Probably the most disappointing blog I've read from Barstool Trent. A video ripe with perspective just flat out botched. Swing and a miss. Would've told you that was Nate if I hadn't read the byline before I read the blog. 

First of all, there's like a 95% chance this is Michael Sam. The resemblance is uncanny. Second, this dude can't dance, he's just being outrageously gay and flailing his arms around. Third, this song sucks. And fourth, I'm absolutely picturing the guy on the other end of the walkie-talkie as a super country-bumpkin white guy holding his radio 4 feet away from his face because the static sound of Rihanna just busted his eardrum and he's just looking at it like, "What the fuck is going on in that ambulance?" 

Meanwhile, the dispatcher is getting a call about some old guy having a heart attack and he's yelling into the walkie-talkie to Michael Sam, "MICHAEL! There's a 487 in the park a half-mile from you." Michael is jamming the fuck out and has no idea what dispatch is talking about so he just yells back, "Yeah, they going off on 97.1! Turn on the radio, spin that shit!" Then there's just a solid minute of Michael not holding the wheel and dancing like a jackass. Then if you notice at the end of the video, Michael's face gets super serious because without Rihanna and Juicy J on full blast, he can finally hear the dispatch call. 

Can't wait until the story breaks about this guy losing his job. Actually, I can wait, because I'm sure a discrimination lawsuit would be soon to follow. 

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