Sunday, May 4, 2014

What the Fuck Did I Just Watch?

Last night I was busy Twitter trolling Barstool Nate and crushing teddies around a bonfire, celebrating Uncle B's 25th. Basically, I had cooler things to do than watch this shit, but my goodness, this is a fucking scene. If you haven't watched this 6,000 times yet, hit the jump and enjoy. Just an all around freak show. Clowns, Justin Bieber looking super uncomfortable, Lil' Wayne making up words, some old dinosaur trying to dress like Biebs and God knows what's going on in Floyd Mayweather's head. 

I don't really understand how this entourage came together personally. Granted, I don't know a whole lot about Floyd Mayweather, I just feel like he's better than Lil' Wayne and Biebs. Lil' Wayne peaked in like 2007. Until I saw this video, I thought he had become a recluse and just spent his days drinking lean and Mountain Dew, shredding halfpipes, and collecting checks from Drake royalties. At least get a cool rapper, Floyd, you've got enough money to pay for your pick of the hip-hop litter to walk you out. You couldn't book like Kendrick Lamar? People take him seriously, instead you booked every 9th grader's favorite rapper. I would suggest Jay-Z, but at 44 I think Jay knows that associating with Justin Bieber is PR suicide. 

As for Biebs, well, what is there to say? The dude is like a male Lindsay Lohan. Started out as every 12 year olds favorite celebrity and then it was just all down hill. Total train wreck. Now he's tatted up, dressing like he's A$AP Rocky, getting arrested and if you're telling me this guy isn't doing drugs, you're dumb. Just watch him in this video, he's so paranoid he wouldn't know which way to walk if he wasn't following Mayweather. The best part of this video is when Biebs slows up to ask Junior Soprano where he got the dope ass jacket from and Mayweather gets all wigged out like a mother who lost her kid in a grocery store. Priceless. 

Anyway, I'm totally convinced Mayweather is aware of the circus he has created. Strictly a marketing stunt. 

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