Wednesday, April 30, 2014

In Case You Didn't Already Know, Jameis Winston is the Biggest Dickhead on the Planet

Yeah that's right. I copy/pasted the link to the story instead of copy/pasting the actual story for you to read first. I've decided that I'm gonna do that from time to time. Just one of the perks of co-running my own blog - I can do whatever I want.

So Jameis Winston got suspended from the FSU Baseball team because he stole $32.00 worth of crab legs and craw fish from a super market. Whatever, I don't really give a shit about that because it's just par for the course for the scum that is Jameis Winston - sexual assault, shooting up apartment complexes with bb guns, stealing from supermarkets, and just speaking in general - the guy might be the most idiotic, ignorant, and immature person on the planet. At the end of this article though, I came across a JW story that I had never heard before and it solidified his spot as the planets biggest dickhead.

"In another incident, police records show Winston came into a Burger King with three men but did not order food, instead asking for a water cup he repeatedly filled with soda over an employee's objections. The report says Winston was never interviewed about the incident because the restaurant declined to prosecute."

Asking for a water cup and then filling it up with soda is what rascals do. Straight up, pesky rascals. I might even go as far to say pesky varmints - and I mean that. I absolutely despise people who pull this move. If you are a grown ass person and are too cheap to spend 1 fucking dollar on a drink cup at a fast food restaurant, I literally hate you. And what's worse is that thoughts like this actually pop into your head. Like how much of a loser are you to try to pull one over on some Burger King employee by asking for a water cup and then filling it up with soda? You need free soda that bad? One of the most pathetic moves any person can make.

PS - the only people who get a pass on this are teenage sk8boarders. Anyone who knows anything knows that all these little punks do is skate around the suburbs all day long and get into stupid shit. They get a pass because it's what makes them who they are. Sk8 4 lyfe.

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