Sunday, April 27, 2014

Selena Gomez Seems Like a Cool Person

Huffington Post - Selena Gomez's Instagram unfollowing spree left the Internet asking, "Who? What? Why? SelGo, no! Stay friends with everyone! For the sake of the Coachella gods, please!" But the 21-year-old star unfollowed festival partners Kendall and Kylie Jenner, BFF Taylor Swift, Ashley Benson and Vanessa Hudgens, among others. Now, E! Online learned a little backstory about why Gomez made the bold move. The site reported that, after Coachella, Gomez decided to purge negative influences from her life and focus only on the good things, like music and church. It was time for her to reevaluate her friendships and relationships. The desert will do that to a girl. Austin Mahone recently admited to that he was upset Gomez unfollowed him. "Yes, I saw [she unfollowed Taylor, Kylie and Kendall]," he said. "I was mad! I was like, 'I wonder if Selena’s still following me,' so I looked and then I saw she was following zero people, so I was like, 'All right, I see how it is. I’m going to confront her about it next time I see her, like, 'Yo, why’d you unfollow me?'" It's true. Gomez currently follows no one and has only posted selfies and music lyrics since what shall further be known as "The Great Unfollow Of 2014" began.

Good for Selena. You really can't say enough about the maturity and strength she's demonstrating while reevaluating some important aspects of her life. I can't imagine wanting to focus more energy on music and church all while following people on Instagram. Talk about having too much on your plate, right? Listen, if she feels like the people she's hanging around are having a negative impact on her, the only real solution is to unfollow all of them on a social media site so that she can't see the pictures they post. Talking to her friends about how she's feeling and addressing her issues through conversation wouldn't solve anything here - I think everyone can see that. 
I really feel bad for Austin Mahone though. I mean the guy has some great pictures that he'll never be able to share with Selena now. And you read it yourself, he's gonna confront her about it next time he sees her. Boy what I would do to be a fly on the wall for that conversation. I just hope that, in time, he can come to grips with all of this and understand that following people on Instagram can be too much for people sometimes and really get in the way of their true passions.

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