Thursday, April 24, 2014

Daily Degenerate

My apologies for getting this post up later than usual, lost track of time counting all the money I've earned the past two days #richpeopleproblems. Back to back  2-0 nights (S/O to Juvenile) brings me to 7-3 on the year. Gotta stick with what's working so another basketball/baseball split it is.

Pacers -3: This line is laugh out loud funny. If you took my advice from yesterday, then you already have the Pacers locked in at -2. The fact that it's been 24 hours and the line has only slipped to -3 is hilarious. The Hawks SUCK. Game 1 was a fluke, ever heard of it? The real line for this game should be Pacers -8.5. Keep that in mind while watching tonight.

Blue Jays ML: The Blue Jays line-up is actually pretty legit. I'm a big Melky Cabrera guy so I'm partial to Jays every now and then. In addition, betting on the Orioles is just something that a true gambler would never do. Pretty much the first rule of gambling. So with that in mind, take the Jays and let's enjoy our ride on the W train.

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