Tuesday, April 22, 2014

For the First Time Ever, a High Schooler asks a Celebrity to Prom

 Fox – A Pennsylvania high school student is in hot water for asking Miss America to prom during a question and answer session at school. Eighteen-year-old Patrick Farves said he received three days of in-school suspension Thursday because he asked Nina Davuluri to prom. The senior at Central York High School stood up and popped the prom question, then walked to the stage with a plastic flower. Davuluri just laughed and the students cheered. “She just kind of laughed and I gave her the little flower I got,” Farves told Fox43.com. “And I went up and I gave her the flower and asked her if I could get a selfie with her. And she was like maybe later, and I never got the selfie,” Farves said. School officials heard about Farves’ plan in advance and warned him not to do it. He has apologized for disrupting the event. The school says students are disciplined for breaking rules and this incident is no different. The district told Fox43.com that is is not a practice to discipline a student for asking someone to a dance, but administrators work to “ensure rules are followed without our schools.” For now, Farves still hasn’t settled on a date. “For prom I’m probably just, I don't know, I might go alone,” Farves told Fox43.com.

I know the point of that story was to show how psycho school administrators can be. Suspending a kid for something like that is absolutely ridiculous. But what I really want to talk about is how much these “high school kid asks celebrity to prom” stories piss me off. Every year like clockwork some dufus high school bro asks a hot celebrity to prom and every year the story goes viral. Everyone acts like it’s never been done before, the kid is praised for being original, having the guts to ask, and everyone assumes that he will have best prom ever if the invitee accepts. Fuck that. Taking a celebrity to prom has to be the stupidest thing you could do if you really want to do prom right. First of all, any chance you had at hooking up with a chick that night has been instantly squashed. If a hot celebrity agrees to go to prom with you, she’s doing it to garner good publicity and promote herself. If she bangs some pimply faced 17 year old stranger for the world to find out about, she’s not exactly helping her cause. Second of all, every single chick at your school is going to hate you that night, and probably for the rest of your high school career. The solo gals will hate you because they weren’t good enough to ask. The gals with dates will hate you because their own date will be caught up gawking and talking about the famous broad all night that they won’t pay an ounce of attention to their own girl. Now I know what you’re thinking, at least you have the after party to look forward to. Whoops! – That’s gonna suck too. All the girls will get hammered drunk and cry about how you ruined their prom. And the LAST thing some rich and attractive celebrity is gonna do is hit up your buddy’s basement party and drink stale beer with a bunch of teenagers. Worst prom ever.

PS – I love at the end of the story when the kid says that he will probably go to prom alone. Uh no shit dude. If you had literally any other options, you wouldn’t have stooped to pulling this played out bit.

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