Monday, April 21, 2014

Barstool Nate sums up Redskins Fans

Post – This was before Griffin was permitted to work out with his teammates at Redskins Park; Cooley instead took the QB to his own gym, Lifetime Fitness near Ashburn. The men took turns running routes and throwing passes to each other. “It’s unbelievable,” Cooley reported. “He’s another person right now. I was like, ‘you’re running unbelievably well.’ It was silly to watch….When you watch him run, you’re like ‘You’re a freak. You’re seriously a freak.’” Cooley hastened to add that the brace wouldn’t be the only difference between 2013 Griffin and the current model. He speculated that Griffin was reluctant to stick his foot in the ground and cut hard last season. He also said Griffin’s legs could not been in ideal shape for a season after not being able to run for much of last offseason. “That said, he’s healthy and his knee is good to go now,” Cooley said. “I remember when he came into camp his rookie year, you’d watch him and you were like ‘You’re a freak show. You’re freakily athletic.’ And I definitely saw that again.”

Barstool Nate - Woah boy. There’s a tent in my pants and you’re all invited to join. My optimism has never been higher than it is this exact second. I mustn’t remind everyone how good Griffin was his rookie season. One of the best rookie seasons a QB has ever had. And then last year he came in after taking 0 reps in the offseason and preseason, and a not fully healed knee. Was a huge mistake. As long as he runs like that and continues to develop his ability to read a defense, there’s no reason the Skins can’t punish teams this year. So get out all your RG3-13 jokes now (because they are really clever and hilarious and original) because the times, they are a changin’.

Welp there it is folks! Your 2015 Super Bowl Champion Washington Redskins! I mean you read it yourself, RG3 threw passes to a washed-up drunk at a local gym - what more evidence do you need? Literally only a Redskins fan would read this article and get excited about it, just so twisted in the head from years and years of shittiness with a touch of mediocrity that they think their star QB throwing a few passes to fucking Chris Cooley at a local gym is something to get excited about. DC SPORTS BABY!

PS – This story would be awesome if they showed what actually happened and it was just RG3 throwing vortex hail marys to Cooley who is profusely sweating trying to make diving catches onto mats and shit. 

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