Friday, May 9, 2014

I Figured Out Why Pres Has a Hard On for Bieber

Barstool Big Cat - This is exactly the point I was trying to make the other day in the Rundown.  Pres’s whole defense of Justin Bieber is that he’s turned heel and he’s the bad boy of rock and roll and giving a giant fuck you to the world. But that couldn’t be more incorrect, why? Because he is too dumb to even know what turning heel means. In order to stick it to society or shove it in people’s face you need to have a modicum of self awareness. You can’t turn heel if you’re too dumb to realize that’s what you’re doing. Justin Bieber actually thinks he’s the coolest most important person in the world. He actually thinks Seth Rogen would be thrilled to meet him. He actually thinks that he’s a legit thug when he walks out with Floyd Mayweather and Lil Wayne. He’s not intentionally doing these things to fuck with society, he’s just an extremely stupid person who believes everything he does is totally fucking sweet. And that’s why I hate him. I don’t care how much “pussy he slays” or parties he throws. That’s the difference between the Gronk/Leo’s of the world and Justin Bieber. The first two seem like normal guys that like to party, the third is a guy who genuinely thinks he is the party. Fuck him.

Just spot on - everything that's going on here, from Seth Rogen's rant to Big Cat's take on the situation. I agree with all of it. Honestly, just look at this picture, who would you rather hang out with? 

Real gem from Big Cat's response - "I don't care how much "pussy he slays" or parties he throws. That's the difference between the Gronk/Leo's of the world and Justin Bieber. The first two seem like normal guys that like to party, the third is a guy who genuinely thinks he is the party." Well said, Big Cat. Well said. 

Here's where I'm chiming in - Big Cat seems to be confused as to why Pres is so enamored with the Biebs and why he continues to defend him. Pretty obvious to me, but maybe Big Cat is too close to the situation to see what's really going on. Pres and Bieber are cut from a similar cloth. They're the same brand of douche. I like Pres, I think he can be funny but he's pretty douchey and if he could be Bieber, there's no doubt in my mind that he would make that Freaky Friday swap happen without hesitation. Pres is absolutely the guy that shows up to parties and treats it like his presence is a Goddamn gift to everyone in the room, but the reality is his presence doesn't quite pack the punch that Bieber's does. He wishes he was the guy that could sit court side at a Heat game with Drake and show up at Mayweather fights wearing ridiculous clothes trying to be a fashion mogul with snakes on his arm and sunglasses on inside. But he's not that guy. He plays it off, just trolling all the stoolies who think it's one big running joke, but it's not. Pres is a wannabe cool kid and he's still super butt-hurt that Bieber retweeted Trent before him. 

It's sad when you think about it. Pres just sitting at home alone in his boxers watching a Money Mayweather fight on PayPerView while Bieber and Lil' Wayne walk out with Mayweather at the MGM, tweeting stuff with "#MoneyTeam" trying to get some attention. I can't wait until Johnny Football starts interacting with Big Cat or Smitty on Twitter. Worst day of Pres' life. Personally, I think it'd be good enough to have the notoriety that Pres already has but apparently the grass is always greener. Anyway, I think TMT and Johnny Football and Drake have all made it abundantly clear - No new friends, Pres.

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