Monday, June 2, 2014

Lance Stephenson - The Last of the Mohicans

I'll start by saying that Bnasty's comments about Bill Simmons sleeping with his socks on and dabbing the grease off his pizza probably finish Top 3 on the list of most hilarious things I've read on the internet this year. Literally, almost spit my coffee all over my laptop. I couldn't agree more about Lance Stephenson. Although, I have to say that I really didn't like him up until this whole blowing on LeBron ordeal. Mainly because he just scares the fuck out of me.

Just look at that face, dude is a certified psycho. In this picture, he just ripped a board and started up the court staring at his opponent like -- "I'm about to murder the shit out of you, bro." I would be the least surprised person on the planet if he catches a Ray Lewis before his career ends. I love his intensity though. He's a rare breed in the NBA right now that just plays hard nose basketball. Most of the Sallies in the NBA now-a-days wouldn't have stood a snowballs chance in Hell of playing in the 80's and early 90's era NBA, I'm going to include LeBron in that too, because as much of an animal as he is, he acts like a complete vajay on the court. Never really hated LeBron all that much in Cleveland, but like UFC fighter Chael Sonnen said about LeBron when he went to Miami -- "His hair went north, his talents went south and his mother went West." 

Just to recap, here's Lance fucking with LeBron during the ECF. 

A better version of that --

But this might be the best one --

This last one, most people reacted like this -- "OMG, look at this Lance Stephenson flop. He should be fined. No place for that in the NBA #IWantLeBronsNuts" -- Best part of that last Vine is LeBron's stat line at the bottom. 

Let me tell you what really went down here. Lance is just clowning LeBron. George Hill is bringing up the ball and Lance goes, "Hey G, you see LeBron on that last play? Dude was like... AHH" Que the fake flop - He's just having fun out there, getting all up in LeBron's head. The NBA needs more Lance Stephensons. Talking trash and playing head games. Any true fan or player of the game knows that no matter what level of basketball you're playing, trash talk and head games make up 50% of the sport. You might be better than Jordan, LeBron and Kobe combined, but if you can't deal with the Woody Harrelson / Wesley Snipes brand of White Men Can't Jump head games than you've got no place on a basketball court, especially the NBA. This is basketball. Fuck LeBron James.

"That shit is too easy! Nah, nah, nah. That shit is TOO easy!"